1st blog

Today, in the morning as I didn't have any class, I started to research for the "artist statement" presentation. however, still I'm a little bit confused about it and I don't know what to work on. I found some sculpture artists but I haven't decided which one for the presentation yet. Unfortunately, I'm not good with the names of artists, I saw a lot of work but I don't remember the names. After that, I installed the sublime text platform but to be honest I don't know anything about it. The first days of school for me is full of nervousness. why??? because in the first days, my mind is so confused and I think if I do my works in mistake it will be so bad. today is one of those day!!!

in the afternoon when I don't have anything to do I search on Pinterest and collect art pieces. it is one of my habits to collect them and then I use them in my works when I work with PSD. I mostly collect carpets pictures or art lines. sometimes I feel that there are a lot of artists that they may be not that much in real life or they don't earn that much but they are intelligence and they can be more than that and people should know them. however, I use their work and mix them. :)

I also watched the daily episode of my series. My series name is locke & keys which is almost like harry potter and mixed with Alice in Wonder land but not for kids. :D This series is interesting because usually, I'm a fan of the sci-fi genre and the special effects, that they use in them and how they make them, edit them, and put them in areal scenes. Probably in the future, I will work in movie companies! 


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